Gay men videos stories

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So about a year ago, I joined a new gym because I was hoping to find a facility with more free weights. My job is really quite boring – I work for a local municipality in waste management (Yes, I’m a garbage man but I get paid really well).

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I love football and am a diehard Bucs fan. I’m married, have a wife and two children and live just outside of the Tampa Bay area in Clearwater. If I had to describe myself, I suppose I look a little like that actor Grant Gustin from the Flash except I’m a little older at 35. Just to tell you a little about me – I guess I’m your average dude that’s into average guy things. Instead, I’m going to tell you how I ended up falling for a gay guy who I’ve secretly been in love with for over a year. Sorry to disappoint but that’s not what this story is about. You probably think I’m about to share some hot erotic story with you based on the title of this page. But I ended up falling in love with a guy from my gym and I’m starting to question my sexual orientation. I’ve been attracted to women my entire life and have had zero physical attraction to dudes.

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